About Your Minister

Rev, Brian Schilling is a native Northern Californian since 1976. He is a father of two children, Adrianna & Xavion, and dedicated his life to service in the local communities in and around where has lived.

As a child, Rev. Brian was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church at the age of 8 years old, given the choice by his adoptive mother. Soon after being baptized, Brian became an altar server in the 4th grade, continuing in this ministry throughout his early college years.

Rev. Brian also served as a Sacristan for his local church for close to 10 years, becoming a young leader in the Church, participating in the Liturgy Committee and helping coordinate Masses and special ceremonies at the Church. All of this work in the Church gained Rev. Brian the affectionate title of "Father Brian" from his youth CCD Teacher. While his Pastor at the time also attempted to recruit him into the Seminary, Rev. Brian respectfully declined, knowing he would one day want to be a parent.

Rev. Brian was also very heavily involved with the High School Youth Ministry program, both as a high school leader and young adult leader. He also helped hire and recruit the longest-serving (still there to this day) Youth Minister at that Church. Rev. Brian participated as a young adult leader in the Confirmation program, where he learned and explored his own faith at a much deeper level, while helping guide those in high school and college into reaffirming their Baptismal vows.

At the age of 24, Rev. Brian moved out of the area and began his own adult life. His journey with the Catholic Church continued in various capacities, though at a lesser involvement than in his past. Over the years until he became a parent a the age of 30, his faith as a Catholic became something he would question the more he learned about the inner workings of the Catholic Church.

As Rev. Brian entered parenthood and got married at the age of 30, the next decade of his life would see much introspection - and tests - of his faith. In Dec. 2006, and again in Sept. 2008, Rev. Brian became a natural father. His wife at the time was staunchly agnostic, not having had the best experiences in her own religious journeys - and this agnosticism could be argued to have steered Rev. Brian away from the path of being a Catholic Christian. 

In 2013, Rev. Brian lost his biggest supporter in life - his adoptive mother. Even though Rev. Brian would butt heads with her over religious beliefs - Rev. Brian had evolved into having a more Universalistic view of the Christian faith, while she was staunchly Catholic - her loss shook his world, and truly forced him to become an adult to survive on his own.

As fate would have it, Rev. Brian's own marriage fell apart in early 2014, with the divorce being finalized in 2019. Rev. Brian would enter into a period of his life where he was faced with co-parenting raising two young kids, who did not fully understand what was going on. While Rev. Brian relied on his faith in God to give him strength and courage, this was a time in his life that truly tested his fortitude in all avenues - personally, professionally, and financially.

As Rev. Brian entered his mid-40s, he continued in his mission to serve others. He became involved with various non-profits, such as Tracy Brighter Christmas, Animal Rescue of Tracy, and also as a volunteer Coach and umpire with the Tracy and Northgate Little Leagues, to name a few.

Throughout 2023, Rev. Brian reflected on his new direction entering into the later stages of his life, knowing that serving others is, has, and always will be his personal Mission in life - no matter what the capacity, be it as a volunteer, insurance agent, or just a friend willing to listen.

As it would happen, while enjoying a relaxing Sunday morning on his couch at home, watching football with his son, Rev. Brian saw an ad about becoming an ordained Minister - empowering him to be able to officiate marriages and more. Rev. Brian had been intrigued with Ministry since his childhood, but thought the commitment would be too much for him (at the time).

As Rev. Brian looked into the calling, he discovered he could achieve his dream of Ordination, without many of the strings he saw attached had he become ordained in the Catholic Church. Answering the call, Rev. Brian completed the application and on Jan. 7, 2024, began his journey officially in service to God, Jesus, and the community of the world he lives in.

Rev. Brian is available for consultation, prayer, reflection, and of course - the special occasions of life. As a licensed insurance agent, his Mission is supported protecting those families he serves, while ensuring they achieve the financial freedom that will empower them to fulfill their dreams and join Rev. Brian in his Mission to "make a dent in the Universe" (credit: Steve Jobs).

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